This study analyses the time varying correlation of money and output using the DCC GARCH model for the Euro, India, Poland, the UK and the US. Apart from simple sum money, this model uses Divisia monetary aggregate, which ...
This note shows that the argument of Šaljanin(2017) [Šaljanin, 2017. “Signaling through public
antitrust enforcement―, Economics Letters 169, 4 - 6] that public antitrust enforcement complements
private investment ...
This study provides a snapshot of the sustainability of selected Indian cities by employing 57 indicators
in four dimensions to develop an overall city sustainability index. In recent years, its complexity has
made 'urban ...
This paper examines the implication of the nature of competition in a market with network externalities
on strategic investment in process R&D by firms. It shows that network externalities have a positive
effect on process ...
The paper asks what drives insurance coverage in low income households by analysing repurchase
patterns of micro-insurance policies. We use data on customers of a financial services provider from
three states in India ...
The current Indian framework for corporate insolvency resolution, is fraught with deficiencies in the
laws, their procedures, their implementation as well as in the capacity of the institutions supporting
them. The absence ...
Banerjee, Prasenjit; Pal, Rupayan; Shogren, Jason F(2016-05)
Honor and stigma play a role in environmental protection. Environmental honors are bestowed on
people and firms who go out of their way to do right by the environment. Similarly, environmental
stigma is put on people or ...
There is a growing concern among policy makers about how electricity is generated and consumed in the context of energy security and global climate change. In such a scenario, renewable energy sources, especially solar and ...
The general discussions on the Indian macro economy have centered on two things in the recent past: how will the economy be impacted by falling value (depreciation) of rupee and the effects of falling world oil prices. ...
The role of governance mechanisms in determining bank outcomes has been studied mostly in the context of developed economies and focused mainly on private banks. In this paper we examine the importance of board size and ...
This paper analyzes two notions of compliance, 'compliance in letter' and 'compliance in spirit', using data on Board and Audit Committee meetings from India under its Clause 49 corporate governance regulations. The analysis ...
The paper is a case study of Vadinar refinery in Gujarat. It examines the costs and benefits
associated with one of the world’s mega refinery projects highlighting the welfare impacts on
society. The paper briefly examines ...
In an infinitely repeated Cournot game with trigger strategy punishment, we demonstrate that the
relationship between market concentration and collusion sustainability depends on the strength of
network externalities. ...
It is going to be 25 years since India embarked on big-bang economic reforms in 1991. What are the achievements in terms of growth and inclusive growth in the post-reform period? What are the issues in poverty measurement? ...
There are strong a priori reasons to believe that monetary transmission may be weaker and less reliable in low- than in high-income countries. This is as true in India as it is elsewhere. While its floating exchange rate ...
India's industrial protection and promotion policies for small-scale enterprises have figured prominently in the literature on industrialization policies in developing countries. These size dependent tax incentives could ...
The performance of Indian tribunals has been unsatisfactory. Yet, policy-makers continue to rely heavily on tribunals to achieve their end objective. One example of this are the tribunals which will adjudicate in the ...
Krishnan, K P; Panchapagesan, Venkatesh; Venkataraman, Madalasa(2016-02)
Land and buildings are a preferred collateral for lenders in India due to its ease of valuation and disposal in the event of default. Yet several distortions afflict Indian land markets that make this exercise non-trivial. ...
In recent years DSGE (dynamic stochastic general equilibrium) models have come to play an increasing role in central banks, as an aid in the formulation of monetary policy (and increasingly after the global crisis, for ...
This study finds that the inter-firm network in India on account of director interlocks is a small world and the network has become more integrated since the introduction of corporate governance regulations in the country. ...