With the alarming rate of growth in vehicle population and travel demand, the energy
consumption has increased significantly contributing to the rise of GHG emissions.
Therefore, the development of a viable environmentally benign technology/fuel, which
minimises both global and local environmental impacts, is the need of the hour. There are
four interconnected reasons for propagating a shift towards alternative fuels/technologies: (i)
Energy Supply: world oil reserves are rapidly diminishing, (ii) Environment: local pollution
from vehicles is creating an atmosphere that is increasingly damaging public health and
environment, (iii) Economic competitiveness: the cost of producing oil and regulating the byproducts
of oil consumption continues to increase, and (iv) Energy security: the military and
political costs of maintaining energy security in international markets are becoming
untenable. Hydrogen energy has been demonstrated as a viable alternative automotive fuel
in three technological modes: internal combustion engines connected mechanically to
conventional vehicles; fuel cells that produce electricity to power electric vehicles; and
hybrids that involve combinations of engines or fuel cells with electrical storage systems,
such as batteries The present study provides a well-to-wheel analysis of the economic and
environmental implications of technologies to deliver the hydrogen energy to the vehicles.
The main objectives of the study are: (i) prioritization of technologies of hydrogen
production, transportation, storage and refueling, (ii) economic analysis of prioritized
technology alternatives to estimate the delivered cost of hydrogen at the end-use point, and
(iii) estimating the environmental impacts. To achieve the desired objectives, various
quantitative life-cycle-cost analyses have been carried out for numerous pathways (i.e.
technologies and processes) for hydrogen production, storage, transportation/distribution
and dispensing. The total cost implications are arrived at by combining the costs of
hydrogen (at end-use point) and the estimated demand for hydrogen for transport. The
environmental benefits (potential to abate GHG emissions) of alternative hydrogen energy
technology pathways have been worked out by using the standard emission factors. Finally,
the GHG emission levels of hydrogen supply pathways are compared with those of diesel and
petrol pathways. The application of this systematic methodology will simulate a realistic
decision-making process.